Saturday, November 02, 2024

Crocheted Dishcloths Christmas 2024


🧵✂️🧶 Hi Friends! Happy November! I recently purchased some yarn to start crocheting dishcloths to share with others over the Christmas holiday. 

I keep a basket of finished dishcloths and will share them when friends drop by or when I need to give a gift. I often couple a few dishcloths with a hand-crafted bar of soap, a fresh-baked treat, or with a small bouquet of flowers. 

If you are interested in making a few I have a video here that you can follow. 

I love giving people handmade gifts!!! Are you making any gifts this year? Feel free to share.  I pray you have a blessed day!!! 🧶✂️🧵

Sunday, March 12, 2023

More Precious Preemie Gowns…


I made a few more preemie gowns to take the local hospital. These gowns were made from the gorgeous wedding dress I was given to use for this purpose. It was hard to cut into such a beautiful dress, but the owner specifically asked me to create these gowns for our local community. I was honored to be gifted this task. And I know many families will be blessed. I think in total I made 20 little preemie gowns from the one dress. These are the final ones. What a blessing and a joy!!! 

Keep Stitching, Friends! What you are doing matters!!!❤️



Thursday, September 01, 2022

How to Crochet a Simple Edging on a DishCloth Tutorial (Video)...


Hi Friends!!!  I made another tutorial video to show how I crochet a simple edging onto dishcloths.  I used dishcloths I had previously crocheted, but you could use any dishcloth that you have.  That video can be found here.  And if you want to see my original tutorial video on how to crochet the actual dishcloths it can be found here

You can add an edging in a contrasting color, similar color, or the same color.  The options are endless.  I do recommend you use similar weight yarn for the edging so that they will wash well. And I also suggest you use all cotton yarn for this project. My favorite yarn to use is this yarn from Amazon (affiliate link).

And if you do take the time to crochet a few dishcloths, consider blessing a friend with one.   They make wonderful gifts!  I love to give them to friends here and there throughout the year.  They also make great house-warming, hostess, and Christmas gifts.  Just a couple ideas for you!!

I have received so many lovely comments from you all about how much you have enjoyed my tutorial videos. And I really appreciate that!  I only create these videos as an act of love for you all so I am glad you find them helpful!!!  Feel free to share them with others too!!  I would really appreciate that!! And always feel free to ask me any questions or show me your beautiful creations.  I love hearing from you all!!!

I hope you have a lovely day!!!  

Keep stitching!!!


Friday, August 05, 2022

Simple Tips for Itchy Mosquito Bites…

I thought I would share some TIPS for pesky mosquito bites with you!!!  We all know mosquito bites can be so annoying.  So I have several different modalities for you to choose from, one of which is super easy and probably in your kitchen right now!!! 

1. Homeopathy - Ledum 30C, Apis 30C, or Calendula 30C (depends on symptoms). Take one pellet by mouth or drop one pellet in water and apply topically.  Here is a Helios homeopathy kit available from Amazon (affiliate link) that my family uses all the time. 

2. Herbal/Natural Poultices - Plantain, Bentonite Clay, Activated Charcoal, Chopped Garlic, or a used Black Tea bag. Wrap one tablespoon of any of the above in a warm, wet paper towel and apply topically for 20-30 minutes at a time. 

3. Folk Medicine/Home Remedies - Banana Peel. Most everyone can get this and use it. It’s SO easy!!! Peel the banana and rub the inside of the peel topically onto the bite. Store peel in the freezer and use again. It truly works miracles!!! I discovered this about 10 years ago and it has worked for us every time! 

I hope these tips help!!! ☀️😎🍉

Stay Safe Friends!!!



Wednesday, August 03, 2022

How to Transform a Well-worn (and Favorite) Dish Towel...

I was folding a load of towels this morning and came across this sad dish towel.  The side seams were barely hanging on.  However, the actual fabric in the center of the dish towel was in pretty good shape.  (And I must admit I have a sentimental attachment to this dish towel - as crazy as that sounds!!!)  So.... I had the idea to just serge the torn edges off.  I decided to use the serger because it would cut and bind the edges nicely AND it would preserve a larger area of the dish towel rather than turning under the edges twice and stitching an edging. 

I love how it turned out.  It is just so simple and that really makes me happy.  I thought I'd share this idea because maybe you have one, or two, well-worn dish towels that need a little kindness and attention to bring them back to their full use!!! 

Hi Friend!!! How has your summer been?  Are you about ready for fall?  My summer has been very busy but it also has been very good.  We went on a wonderful family vacation, had many fun afternoon excursions to the local coffee/tea shop with my kids to talk about what was on their minds, watched a few new movies - even went to the theater for one, helped a lot of people with homeopathic remedies, mentored many students who are learning to use homeopathy, read some great books, listened to some great sermons, etc.  It has been a full and great summer!!!  I do hope yours has been lovely too!!!  I'd love to hear from you!!! 

Be Blessed Friends!!! 💗



Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Egg-Free Chocolate Chip Muffin Recipe...

Hi Friends!  

I thought I would share one of our favorite snack recipes with you.  I have a child who has an egg allergy.  It's not his fault that he has this allergy and so I try not to make a big deal out of it.  Instead, over the years, I have just modified and adapted all of our favorite recipes so that we can all enjoy them together.  

And if you do eat eggs and just happen to be out of them, this is a great recipe you can still make.  They are delicious and I do hope you make and enjoy them!!!

Be blessed!!!

Egg-Free Chocolate Chip Muffin Recipe

Yields: 12 muffins


2 cups all-purpose flour

1/3 cup brown sugar

3 t. baking powder

1/2 t. salt

1 cup water

1/4 cup applesauce

2 T. melted butter (can be omitted if desired)

1/2 cup mini chocolate chips or 3/4 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl whisk together the flour, brown sugar, baking power, and salt.  To this mixture stir in the water, applesauce, and melted butter stirring until all the dry ingredients are combined.  Add in the chocolate chips.  Grease muffin pan and fill with the muffin mixture.  Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 25 minutes.  Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Fun, Striped Knitted Socks...

Wow! This was the fastest pair of socks I have ever knitted. They took me three weeks from start to finish. I realize for most people that’s not very fast, but for me who often takes two years to finish a pair of socks, it’s pretty impressive!!! 

I used my pattern that I always use. And the yarn was actually in my stash. I really like all the various shades of blue in it.  I could not find the yarn label so I’m not sure what yarn it was but it feels a bit like wool, but like it may have a bit of cotton in it too. I’ll have to keep searching for the brand and when I figure it out I’ll let you all know. 

Oh another two things: the yarn was self-striping which I love and it always fascinates me!!! And two, I had all intentions of trying really hard to match the stripes when I started the second sock. Then I got excited about finishing the first and starting the second, and completely forgot!!!  Fortunately the yarn serendipitously worked it all out almost perfectly on its own!!! The stripes are very close to matching and I’m thrilled!!! 

I found it really hard to get good pictures while wearing the socks, but it was pretty funny! If you prefer to see the socks off my feet, here they are. 

What are you doing to nurture your soul each day? Creating something? Listening to music? Enjoying nature? Please think about what brings you joy and do it intentionally!!! It makes all the difference, Friends!!! Take care of yourself and each other!!! 


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