Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Busy Little Hands.....

Elisabeth has been "knitting" for three years now.....ever since Emily learned how to knit. However, she "really" figured it out this past weekend.

Emily learned how to knit right after she turned five years old. I thought that was amazing. And now Elisabeth is not even five yet....and here she is knitting. Double amazing!!

Wayne has been out of town for a few days so Elisabeth's new found hobby has been beneficial. I have found that when the going gets tough.......it helps to get little hands BUSY!!!


Amie said...

Your daughters are everything I ever imagined in a daughter :D My daughter is only 4 months old but I cannot wait to start teaching her to sew and knit.

Hopewell said...

Awesome! I can remember my Grandmother telling me how she had to knit 2 rows on her stockings before school each morning. That part was ok, but she had to help her little sister with HER knitting too! Her sister was about your daughter's age at the time.

You are doing an awesome job! Think of the confidence they will gain for being able to do things most of "the world" thinks are beyond them!!!

Anonymous said...

Elisabeth is doing so well. She really seems to have the touch for it like Emily. It does my heart good to see them embrace crafts like they do. Hopefully, when they have children, they will continue the trend of teaching them how to knit and sew.

Cindy said...

Amie......your little one will want to do everything you are doing...whether you like it or not. That's what happens here anyway. Just start her sewing and knitting early so that it becomes second nature for her. It's great for their confidence.

Hopewellmomschool....thanks for the kind comments. I agree with you completely.

Missy....thanks. Yes, I hope they continue learning all about sewing, knitting, crafting, etc. I always try to learn something new each day....keeps life fun!

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