Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Favorite Skirt

I finally remembered to show a picture of the skirt I recently finished. (I really am of average height....the picture makes me look like I am 3 feet tall.) This skirt is actually my own pattern, but only after trying almost every pattern imaginable and not liking any of them. I wanted an A-line skirt that wasn't too bell-shaped (yes, been there done that) and was long in length to keep my legs warm in cool weather. Oh, and I can't forget, it cannot have elastic in it!! I can't stand elastic or anything tight around my middle. My mother can tell you stories of when I was a young girl and she'd buy me cute outfits and I'd get the scissors out and cut through the elastic. I still feel the same way. When I was pregnant I would buy clothes with elastic and promptly come home.....cut the elastic out, reconstruct the garment and add a drawstring. No elastic on this body.

Anyway, I digress. I really like this skirt and I have received many compliments on it. My neighbor seems to think it makes me look like I've lost some weight....when in actuality I have gained a pound or two over the holidays. (The 2 gallon tin of gourmet chocolate cookies she brought over doesn't help either). The skirt sits just under my natural waistline with a zipper in the side and is hand hemmed....I really need to figure out how to use the blind hem foot on my sewing machine. Next (assuming I can remember how I made this one) I am thinking of making another one in small wale burgundy corduroy I've had for a couple years.

In other news, Emily loves her new sewing machine. She made a pillow the other night which she gave to her sister. I'll post a picture soon. She asks to sew every day. Like daughter! Elisabeth also sewed a pillow the same night...she used a sewing machine that her Aunt Terri gave her for Christmas. She was able to sew it almost all by herself...not bad for a just turned four year old. (She just came and asked me if she could sew again.) The sewing machines almost outnumber the televisions in this house.....I like that!!!


Jennifer said...

i like the skirt. u did a great job. it's so much fun when you can come up with ur own pattern.

that's so great ur girls want to sew. I can't wait till trin can sew. she wants to do it so bad.

Anonymous said...

That is a nice skirt. It's hard to find one that doesn't make you look very hippy or frumpy. I stick to pants because I haven't found that one special skirt design that works. I'm glad the girls like sewing. It provides hours of learning-measurements, following directions-problem solving, etc. I quite frequently use crafts to teach most lessons.

Unknown said...

Nice skirt!! I like to wear skirts specially in summers and have nice collection of them....

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