I got "educated" at our last Smocking Guild meeting. We somehow started talking about blue marking pens during our meeting and then someone mentioned how they are supposed to be stored. I usually store mine in a small canning jar or a cute little mug.....both ways they are standing vertically on one end or the other. The ladies there told me they are supposed to be stored in a horizontal position so that the ink will stay better longer. I had no idea! And now I have no idea of where I will store them because tossing them in a jar or mug is so much easier for me. So I ask....How do you all store your blue marking pens? Flat/Horizontal? Vertical? Or otherwise?
I store mine horizontally in a shallow basket on my sewing table but I don't think it has helped them to last any longer. :) I love the pens but they never seem to be working when I need one.
I store mine in a little rectangular basket I have on my sewing table for my scissors, seam rippers, etc. that I need often. But like Becka, I haven't noticed that it's helped my pen! ;)
I have never gotten into the habit of using those pens... I am sure it would improve somehow. Perhaps I will pull out my old one that has been stored horizontally in my sewing box for a very long long time and see if it works!
I store mine wherever they land depending on how organized I am that day, vertical or horizontal. It seems to me that my pens are always dry, though, whenever I go to use them. Mostly now, I find myself using chalk or pencil.
Thanks for your comments. You know it's funny that most of you said you do store yours flat and they still dry up fast....because I have always stored mine vertical and they seem to last 2 years or so. So I am not sure there is anything to the storing them flat recommendation.
These little blue pens are surrounded by mystery and myths!!! For example, do they fully wash out, or will your great, greats see blue, or I love this one, don't drink coffee and use the blue pen to mark fabric, somehow this is bad!! Or never starch and iron over a blue mark or it will not come out, and the last one, the blue chemical in the pen, over time, eats away at the fabric.......I store mine in a mug made by my son when he was 3:) It has his little thumb prints all over it in the shape of flowers....I hope they NEVER fade away! Blessings, Darby
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