One of our smocking guild members was kind enough to offer a tatting demonstration at our last meeting. She is a brave soul. And a wonderful teacher. I do know how to tat...but the thought of teaching 10+ ladies to do so...all at the same time seems a bit daunting to me. :o) Anyway, we had a wonderful meeting!!! While she demonstrated the various techniques I continued to work on my little tatted edging. It only consists of rings and picots but that is plenty for me right now. The brave member also wrote out a pattern for me for the cute little butterfly. I came right home that night and made the butterfly you see in the above picture. I used a pink and white variegated thread so it is a bit hard to see. But I am thinking I'm going to make several of them and maybe stitch them onto something. Just not sure what yet. Do any of you tat? It seems to be a lost art these days!
I really am just about finished with the cute little bishop. And it's a good thing because I have another baby dress to make and I just remembered Easter is a bit early this year. I am thinking of making Ean a button-on shorts outfit this year. It may be the only year I can get away with it with his daddy! :o)
I hope you all are stitching your little hearts out!!! We have a Wee Care delivery this weekend and I'm doing a bit of Wee Care smocking here and there too. I'll post a picture of all the gowns after I get them ironed and ready.
Enjoy your day!!!!
Oooh, that is beautiful!! I would love to learn how to do that!
My mother-in-law used to do some tatting... I wish so badly that I had her to a spool of a simple edging. She went to be with the Lord three years ago. I need to learn in her memory.
We had a lady teach our SAGA group tatting this last fall. I'm afraid two hours wasn't nearly long enough for me to grasp this needle art! Hopefully she can give a follow-up session one day, because I agree, it is such a lovely technique! -JennyJo
I have just learned as well. I too am only doing rings and picots for now; although, I did choose a much smaller thread and needle so I could use it on a daygown. You did a great job. The rings and picots look very consistent. That's the hardest part for me. Thankfully you have someone who can teach you. There is no one in my small town who teaches. :(
I used to tat (Angela: you don't need a teacher, now that there's internet! I taught myself before the internet, with the encyclopedia (World Book, same way I taught myself knitting) and a Coats & Clark book from the 1970s; would be even easier now with instructional videos online)... but after making 9 yards of 4" deep lace for my wedding veil 5 years ago, I haven't done any more! Took me the whole engagement, and even then I didn't finish it (we put the tapers at the back of the veil, making them even, so it looked like it was meant to be that way)... but it's fun. Your butterfly inspires me to do some again!
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