It's been busy but quiet around here lately. I've been trying to fit a bit of smocking in here and there. I am so in love with this precious little floral fabric. I bought it last year at our local heirloom shop knowing it would make an adorable bishop.
I also found a more tidy way to keep my floss while stitching. I am only using three colors for this project and a folded index card with holes punched in it is working out perfectly.
My three older children are deep in creating stop-motion movies right now. Emily and Elisabeth have been making movies with their 18" dolls and Ethan has been making some with his new Legos he got for Christmas. It's so fun to see them learning and enjoying the process. I have done nothing but encourage them and enjoy the finished movies. They have done all the rest. And Sweet Ean is just as fun as ever. Right now he is deep in his books. He loves to sit and look through books.....he is so serious about it. Sweet times!!!
That pink bishop is gorgeous. I love the fabric! Is is for one of your girls or someone else? Glad you are all well and getting a little time to stitch. The kids movies sound like fun!
Thanks Lisa!!! The bishop is for a sweet new baby at church. Yes, the kids are doing great with the movies...they even add music, credits, etc. And they have learned it all on their own...from proper tripod set up, how to use the camera, how to download it to the computer, arrange the individual frames, add music, etc.
Love this little bishop! Oh enjoy these days... my three used to make movies too and now they are grown. We watch the old clips every now and then and it makes for a fun evening! Time marches on!!!
Hi Cindy,
I love that fabric too! It was used in a Saga convention class I took many moons ago, and I could never find it. I LOVE your smocking too. Wishing you and your sweet family many blessings.
Thanks Kellie and Darby!!! We do have a lot of fun and I often have to remind myself that these years will be short in the big perspective of life. I am forever hugging and kisses these sweet little ones!!! They are probably tired of it already. :o)
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