This was a quick and fun dress to sew for Sweet Elisabeth. I was thrilled to be able to test another pattern for Samantha of The Handmade Dress. This is her second pattern which is named Miss Madeline after her second daughter. It is an adorable peasant dress with a coordinating waistband. You can also attach an apron to the waistband...but I did not this time.
Elisabeth picked out her own fabrics....and I think she did a fantastic job. It is truly her!!! We bought the fabric Monday, washed and cut it out Monday evening, and then I was able to sew it off and on throughout the day Tuesday. Today she has a new dress to wear. It's nice to have a quick project that comes out so cute.
Oh, that's a cute little dress! I'd like one for every day of the week!! :)
awww, that is a cute little dress!
Very sweet. Almost as sweet as Elisabeth! It looks like a straight forward pattern. Is the waist band attached to the outside with elastic insert?
I really like this little dress. And a very nice choice of fabric! It looks like a very quick and easy project. Elisabeth looks very happy to be wearing it!
Aww how cute!!!! She did a great job of choosing fabrics and she is adorable in her new dress.
Very cute!
I just love peasant style dresses. I finally finished a peasant blouse for Beans. It turned out remarkably well considering the type of fabric I used.
Is that gingham in the middle section of Elisabeth's dress? :-)
Thanks ladies!!! Yes, I would like several of these as well Cheryl. Missy, yes, the waistband is attached to the base dress and has elastic threaded through it. Nell...she does love this dress..she has already worn it two times in three days!! Yes, Deborah, the waistband is gingham...I will put gingham anywhere I can...I love it!!! I picked up some more fabric today to make more...these are addictive!!!
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