Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Write On.......

I knew it would not be long before I just had to make these cute little drawing portfolios. Especially after seeing the cute ones that Katie made. There is a great tutorial for making these at Craft Apple. She did a fantastic job making the entire process quick and easy.

So the other day I took the girls to the quilt store and let them each pick out two fat quarters that coordinated. I told them what I was making was a big surprise and that I could not tell them what it was.....that always gets their attention. They took their responsibility very seriously and spent about an hour analyzing all the fabrics. Then I spent some time over the weekend cutting and sewing them together.

The one above is Emily's. I never found the plain drawing paper that the tutorial I just plopped a steno pad in the back pocket. It fits perfect as well. Which made them think how these could be customized for various people/children. You could put all sorts of different pads in these.......steno pad, drawing pad, stationery pad, black paper pad (with gel pens), etc. And likewise, you could use these Crayola Twistables, gel pens, colored pencils, pens, markers, etc.

And this one is Elisabeth's. I find it interesting that they both chose a pink fabric. The real reason I made these was to help keep Elisabeth interested while we are at piano lessons for Emily. And I am happy to say it worked like a charm yesterday. Hopefully it will continue to work....maybe I should put it away and only pull it out at never hurts to be a little creative.


lindiepindie said...

Those look so nice! The ones I made for my boys were for church and when we get home, I hide them until the following Sunday, or doctor's appointments.

Jennifer said...

aww these are really cute. trin could use one of these while mycah is at karate.

i love letting them pick out the fabric they like for the things i make them :)

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea. It looks sort of like your crayon portfolio you made for Elisabeth.

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