Thursday, January 06, 2011


Although I haven't been sewing lately....I did manage to squeeze in a bit of crocheting over the past few weeks. I have made several of these precious angels and I must say they are mildly addictive!!! I have not kept any...but rather given them to some of my favorite people!!! I also hope to make several more and hopefully at least one for myself.

I think we all are finally feeling better. We were all SO sick the week between Christmas and New Year's. It was either a really bad cold + croup thrown in for good measure for Sweet Ean OR it was the flu. Either was terrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!!! So if you are out there reading this and have the same thing.....I'm sending you {{{big hugs}}} because I know you are miserable!!!!

I hope to be back soon with some actually sewing to share!!!


dlogan said...

cindy, I love this little angel! Is there a pattern? Looking forward to your posts in 2011.

Darby ox

Cindy said...

Darby...Happy New Year sweet friend!!! It is a pattern I borrowed from a friend. Are you interested in the information?

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