Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I've Been Tagged.....

I've been tagged by Shannon of Frogs in a Bucket. I'm supposed to pick up the nearest book and turn to page 123. Then find the 6th, 7th, and 8th sentence and write them out here and now. We'll let's see. I do read all the time....when I'm not sewing of course. Since my computer is right next to my sewing machine the closest book is my Bernina manual. It goes to page 123....but has a bullet format on that page and therefore lacks sentences. It probably wouldn't be too much fun anyway. Next closest book is actually a basket of kid's books....but they aren't long enough to have a page 123. Next! Ok. On my hope chest is my latest book purchase. I just picked it up from B&N the other night and I haven't even started it yet. It is called "90 Minutes in Heaven" by Don Piper. Let's 123....sentences 6,7 and 8........"God used my closest friend, David Gentiles, to keep me alive, and I am grateful. He also used David again in my life nearly two years after the accident. Until then I had never talked to anyone about my heavenly experience." I saw the author interviewed awhile back and have wanted the book ever since. I think it is going to be great.

Let's I am supposed to tag 5 people to carry on. I think I'll leave it up in the air, and if you're reading this and want to be tagged...consider yourself tagged. You can post a comment and let me know. Thanks Shannon.....for some reading fun to break up the day.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy..I found you through "A Different Drum"...I think I'll be visiting again since I like to sew and am a Christian mom as well.

Thanks for sharing neat things!

Cindy said...

Hi Sonja...I'm glad you stopped by and left a message. I am thrilled to meet you and hope you'll stop back by some time!!

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